The Phantom Menace Keeping You From Your Dietary Goals

Did you know that Singaporeans consume an average of 12 teaspoons of added sugars per day, according to a study by the Health Promotion Board (HPB)? This exceeds the recommended limits set by health organizations, with the World Health Organization advising no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugars per day for adults.

In recent years, the Health Promotion Board has significantly increased awareness surrounding sugar and its harmful effects. Given that many of us are now more conscious of keeping our sugar intake low, how are we as a population still consuming more than the recommended amount of sugar per day?


In Singapore, our Asian diet is dominated by dishes which are rich in flavours. Often, sugar is added to a stir-fry or to gravies and stock, allowing sugar to creep into our diets unknowingly.

Another culprit which contributes to phantom sugar consumption comes in the form of beverages and drinks. We typically skip the dessert, chocolate, or candy, only to have a cup of bubble tea, or a can of processed tea or soda. Even drinks which claim to be 'less sweet' or 'reduced sugar' contain an amount of sugar which adds a relatively high amount to our daily intake allowances.


Sugars come in many hidden forms too, disguised in other language that make ingredient labels look healthier than they really are. Agave nectar, cane, corn syrup, maltose and sucrose are just some examples of sugar in other simple forms. Even fructose and brown sugar - typically associated with 'healthier' forms of sugar - are considered simple sugars, which cause spikes in our blood sugar levels.

Excessive sugar intake has been linked to various health concerns, including rising rates of obesity and diabetes in Singapore. In fact, the National Health Survey revealed that obesity rates among Singaporeans have more than doubled over the past 20 years, with 1 in 9 Singaporeans aged 18 to 69 being obese. 

Furthermore, high sugar intake has been associated with increased inflammation in the body, which plays a role in the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. These conditions not only impact individual health but also place a significant burden on Singapore's healthcare system.

stevia monk fruit

By becoming more mindful of our sugar intake and making informed choices, we can take proactive steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Opting for beverages and foods that are lower in added sugars and incorporate natural sweeteners such as Stevia or Monk Fruits can make a meaningful difference in our overall health and well-being.

So next time you're thinking of grabbing a drink. Remember, don't let the phantom sugar menace get to you.

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